Polymer Polytechnic Bangkok
Posted By: Unknown On 04 November 2014 Under: material , Polymer , web component
Polymer Polytechnic is an event series of in-person, community-run events to help developers learn Polymer. These events are run by local Google Developer Groups or other developer meetups all over the world. Each event is a little different, but generally, Polymer Polytechnic can include a tech talk, series of code labs, and time for personal hacking. #itshackademic
GDG Shanghai and GDG Thailand together organize satellite event for Polymer Polytechnic on the afternoon of November 8, 2014. Come and learn with our experts from both Shanghai and Bangkok, from the introduction to codelab.
Register : wi.th/polymerpolytechnicBKK (limited seats)
สถานที่ Ma:D Co-working Space เอกมัยซอย 4 กรุงเทพ https://goo.gl/maps/sgVwmAgenda
12.00 - 12.30 Register
12.30 - 13.00 Welcome greeting to both GDG Bangkok and GDG Shanghai
13.00 - 13.20 Polymer intro part1
13.20 - 13.40 Polymer intro part2
13.40 - 15.40 Build sample Polymer web
15.30 - 16.00 Snack break and sharing cool project done from codelab